Because the engine itself doesn't use such templates, it uses mathematics. Templates are crutches - bad crutches to be precise, because if you need a premade template then you're drastically limiting what you can do with the engine. And they don't even understand how limiting that is. *Just a note, the test animation is an animation from the Nocturne animation pack on Steam.Time and time again people who want to create their own sprites are asking for pre-made empty/framed templates because they can't work without them. You can divide your single frame size by the total length and width of your sprite sheet to get your X and Y Counts easier. If it's not working, double check your X-Count and Y-Count are correct. Once that is done, click the play button and your animation should play!.Go to Scale (red square icon with a circle in the middle) and just adjust your scaling for X (first block) and Y (2nd block).Go down to Y-Count (7th line of text, the next one down from X-Count) and count how many rows your sprite sheet has (In my example there is 20).Go down to X-Count (6th line of text in the same block of options) and change it to how many frames are in the X row of your image (a default RPG MAker MV spritesheet will have 5 frames for the X count).Change the Size (4th text box down) for both X (first option) and Y (2nd option) to the size of a frame in the spritesheet (a default RPG Maker MV frame of animation is 192 x 192).For UV (5th block of options, first option in that block) change it to Animation (3rd option in the list).Click Load (2nd option from the top) next to Texture (2nd line of text).Go to Basic Render Settings (yellow cube icon).In the Options (cog wheel) set the View Mode to 2D.Open Effekseer and go to File > New Project.I did some digging into Effekseer and getting spritesheets to work is actually really easy. One thing that has really bothered me with RPG Maker MZ was the removal of spritesheets.